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    Centro Tessile Serico

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    Laboratorio filati

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    Laboratorio prove fisico-meccaniche


Centro Tessile Serico is a nonprofit, public-private join stock company, offering support services on production activities in the textile-clothing system.

Our Services


The Laboratory is able to carry out tests related to qualitative and quantitative parameters of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, chemicals used in the textile industry, water and industrial wastewater.


Guide to the technical specifications management

“Technical specifications helpdesk” is a training and assistance service to support companies in understanding, verifying and managing about technical and/or eco-toxicological specifications required by brands and customers.


Materials Ministerial Homologation - D.M. 26.06.1984

About Seri.co

Seri.co is a product and process certification system based on a Disciplinary the application of which – by Companies - is intended to provide the highest guarantees:

  • on the production process in accordance with the principles of quality, environment, health and   safety, sustainability, social responsibility and chemical risk management
  • on the textile product, both for technological and performance properties and for eco toxicological properties
  • on the chemical / formulation / dye for eco toxicological properties

A certification that assures the quality and the health and safety requirements of the textile product and the production system from which the product is born.


This section lists the names of companiesthat join For Textile certification Systems

  • Apparecchiatura di Cernobbio di Frontini G. & C. Sas

    Apparecchiatura di Cernobbio Finishing  was born in the early 70's and is present in the textile district of Como as a SERI.CO Certified Company.The strength of finishing is the result of a careful interpretation of fashion and its ever-changing

  • Tintoria P.A. Jacchetti srl

    Tintoria Jacchetti is recognized on the market as a company that is environmentally aware and in advance of compliance with the regulations governing the use of chemicals. Over time, it has implemented every existing tutorial system in order

  • Ostinelli Seta Spa

    Ostinelli Seta, founded in 1970, used to produce textile accessories and fabrics for swimwear, following the silk tradition of Como. In 1988 Luigi Bianchi, family’s new generation, joined the company to then take over the property in 1999,

latest news

Chiusura estiva 2024

Il CENTRO TESSILE SERICO SOSTENIBILE SRL resterà chiuso per vacanze estive da lunedì 12 agosto al 30 agosto 2024 (compresi) [...]

FORMAZIONE CTSS settembre - dicembre 2024

Corsi formazione CTSS Srl per il periodo settembre - dicembre 2024 [...]

CTSS - assistenza capitolati

Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile Srl offre un servizio  di formazione e consulenza per la comprensione, la verifica e la gestione dei Capitolati tecnici e/o tossicologici dei Brand e dei Clienti. [...]

Ongoing projects

Osservatorio Distretto Tessile di Como Luglio 2024

XXXV Convegno Osservatorio  Distretto Tessile di Como L’Osservatorio Distretto Tessile di Como promuove il suo XXXV appuntamento con la collaborazione della Direzione Studi e Ricerche di Intesa Sanpaolo.